
User registration

The default setup for Weblate is to use python-social-auth for handling new users. This allows them to register using form on the website and after confirming their email they can contribute or by using some third party service to authenticate.

You can also completely disable new users registration using REGISTRATION_OPEN.

Rate limiting

Nuevo en la versión 2.14.

The password based authentication is subject to rate limiting. At most AUTH_MAX_ATTEMPTS attempts are allowed within AUTH_CHECK_WINDOW seconds. The user is then blocked for AUTH_LOCKOUT_TIME.

If there are more than AUTH_LOCK_ATTEMPTS failed authentication attempts on one account, this account password authentication is disabled and it’s not possible to login until user asks for password reset.

IP address for rate limiting

The rate limiting is based on client IP address. This is obtained from HTTP headers and you will have to change configuration in case Weblate is running behind reverse proxy to work it properly.

Authentication backends

By default Weblate uses Django built-in authentication and includes various social authentication options. Thanks to using Django authentication, you can also import user database from other Django based projects (see Migrating from Pootle).

Django can be additionally configured to authenticate against other means as well.

Social authentication

Thanks to python-social-auth, Weblate support authentication using many third party services such as Facebook, GitHub, Google or Bitbucket.

Please check their documentation for generic configuration instructions in Django Framework.


By default, Weblate relies on third-party authentication services to provide validated email address, in case some of services you want to use do not support this, please enforce email validation on Weblate side by configuring FORCE_EMAIL_VALIDATION for them. For example:


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Enabling individual backends is quite easy, it’s just a matter of adding entry to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting and possibly adding keys needed for given authentication. Please note that some backends do not provide user email by default, you have to request it explicitly, otherwise Weblate will not be able to properly credit users contributions.

OpenID authentication

For OpenID based services it’s usually just a matter of enabling them. Following section enables OpenID authentication for OpenSUSE, Fedora and Ubuntu:

# Authentication configuration

GitHub authentication

You need to register application on GitHub and then tell Weblate all the secrets:

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup

Bitbucket authentication

You need to register application on Bitbucket and then tell Weblate all the secrets:

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup
SOCIAL_AUTH_BITBUCKET_SECRET = 'Bitbucket Client Secret'

Google OAuth2

For using Google OAuth2, you need to register application on <> and enable Google+ API.

The redirect URL is https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/google-oauth2/

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup

Facebook OAuth2

As usual with OAuth2 services, you need to register your application with Facebook. Once this is done, you can configure Weblate to use it:

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SCOPE = ['email', 'public_profile']

Gitlab OAuth2

For using Gitlab OAuth2, you need to register application on <>.

The redirect URL is https://WEBLATE SERVER/accounts/complete/gitlab/ and ensure to mark the read_user scope.

# Authentication configuration

# Social auth backends setup

Password authentication

The default comes with reasonable set of AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS:

  • Password can’t be too similar to your other personal information.
  • Password must contain at least 6 characters.
  • Password can’t be a commonly used password.
  • Password can’t be entirely numeric.
  • Password can’t consist of single character or whitespace only.
  • Password can’t match password you have used in the past.

You can customize this setting to match your password policy.

Additionally you can also install django-zxcvbn-password which gives quite realistic estimates of password difficulty and allows to reject passwords below certain threshold.

LDAP authentication

LDAP authentication can be best achieved using django-auth-ldap package. You can install it by usual means:

# Using PyPI
pip install django-auth-ldap

# Using apt-get
apt-get install python-django-auth-ldap

Once you have the package installed, you can hook it to Django authentication:

# Add LDAP backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login
# even without LDAP for admin account

# LDAP server address

# DN to use for authentication
AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'cn=%(user)s,o=Example'
# Depending on your LDAP server, you might use different DN
# like:
# AUTH_LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'

# List of attributes to import from LDAP on login
# Weblate stores full user name in the first_name attribute
    'first_name': 'name',
    'email': 'mail',


You should remove '' from the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting, otherwise users will be able to set their password in Weblate and authenticate using that. Keeping 'weblate.accounts.auth.WeblateUserBackend' is still needed in order to make permissions and anonymous user work correctly. It will also allow you to login using local admin account if you have created it (eg. by using createadmin).

CAS authentication

CAS authentication can be achieved using a package such as django-cas-ng.

Step one is disclosing the email field of the user via CAS. This has to be configured on the CAS server itself and requires you run at least CAS v2 since CAS v1 doesn’t support attributes at all.

Step two is updating Weblate to use your CAS server and attributes.

To install django-cas-ng:

pip install django-cas-ng

Once you have the package installed you can hook it up to the Django authentication system by modifying the file:

# Add CAS backed, keep Django one if you want to be able to login
# even without LDAP for admin account

# CAS server address

# Add django_cas_ng somewhere in the list of INSTALLED_APPS

Finally, a signal can be used to map the email field to the user object. For this to work you have to import the signal from the django-cas-ng package and connect your code with this signal. Doing this inside your settings file can cause problems, therefore it’s suggested to put it:

  • in your app config’s django.apps.AppConfig.ready() method (Django 1.7 and higher)
  • at the end of your file (Django 1.6 and lower)
  • in the project’s file (when no models exist)
from django_cas_ng.signals import cas_user_authenticated
from django.dispatch import receiver
def update_user_email_address(sender, user=None, attributes=None, **kwargs):
    # If your CAS server does not always include the email attribute
    # you can wrap the next two lines of code in a try/catch block. = attributes['email']

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Django CAS NG